Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mr. Efficiency

In the interest of saving time next season, I've reprogrammed my new cell phone's Quick Text responses to the messages I inevitably receive:

1. Thanks.
2. On my way.
3. Tell him it's Gretzky
4. They're @ Embassy Suites.
5. They're @ the Westin.
6. They're @ the Marriott Waterside.
7. Where are you? (first of two originals)
8. Reporting for duty.
9. Food?
10. Call me (second of two originals)
11. Talk to you later.
12. Can't. Have to work.
13. Just left the house.
14. Hounding the Bolts?
15. Drive safely.
16. Call the hotels.


Anonymous said...

17. I Think he's Wayne Gretzky


Puckhound said...

Done. It's now No. 3.