You know, I hope Mrs. Gestoso, Colin's second-grade teacher, doesn't read this blog. If she does, I know of a couple of Very Goofy Dudes who both might be in a heap of trouble.
It seems that someone called his school this morning, saying the young lad wasn't feeling too well and, rather than potentially spread a brewing cold among classmates, he would be staying home for the day. If that were only the case.
Nope, well-placed sources tell me that instead of staying home and filling up on chicken noodle soup, the aforementioned Dudes made a trip to Brandon to take in an informal scrimmage with quite a few members of the Tampa Bay Lightning. If memory serves me correct, I believe the exact phrase was a "father-son bonding moment."
Apparently, too, time was put to good use. The source, whose identity I'd never reveal, also related how Colin enjoyed his first hounding day of the season.
Just take another look, please, at that hand-drawn team sheet, a favored item from the 2007-08 NHL season. Fourteen players, in all, took the time to sign after the session. Among them: new faces Matt Carle, Adam Hall, David Koci, Ryan Malone, Gary Roberts and, yes, the team's 2008 No. 1 draft pick, Steven Stamkos.

Besides the team sheet and a special photo, Stamkos also signed this puck, an errant shot that was picked up by you-know-who.
And, just in case Mrs. Gestoso does stop by, Colin's feeling much better. He'll be back in class tomorrow.
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