Then came Barry Melrose. What a mistake that was. To his credit, Stamkos showed that he did, in fact, belong in the NHL.
Now, with that sorry episode behind us, Stamkos appeared much more at ease Saturday night with his still-growing role with the Bolts. He knows it, too. Like free agent signee Mattias Ohlund, he'll help mentor 2009 top pick Victor Hedman as well.
The leap to the NHL from the OHL has been made. And Stamkos, I believe, stuck the landing.
Oh, yeah, he signed a new-look Canada puck for us.
that's a nice a Canada puck.. where you get it at?
Here you go:
Just save some for me, will ya?
thanks!! Don't worry, could only afford a few anyways.
Like most other hounds I know, I've been buying my pucks from them for years.
Hey - thanks for the info. I ordered some pucks but haven't heard back yet from the person.
Anyhow, I am buying a huge lot of the Vancouver Pucks from the only distributor that is located in Orange County, Ca. If your interested let me know. I will let them go at my cost to you of $7 since you are helping me out. He said they should arrive beginning of August
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