Wednesday, September 17, 2008

God's honest truth

Among the Lightning brass taking in Wednesday's opening training camp session were co-owner Oren Koules and top hockey guy Brian Lawton.

Recognizing that I had the Holy Grail of Hounding -- time, tools and opportunity -- I asked Koules, of the Saw movies fame, if he'd sign a puck.

After Koules signed both sides of the puck (yes, both sides, but I'm not complaining), I asked whether Lawton, who pulled the "I'm-on-my-phone" card earlier in the day, would be willing to sign a couple of pucks.

Well, not only did Koules ask him, but he took them to Lawton, had him sign both, and walked them back over to the aisle.

I was stunned. I had the co-owner of the Lightning snagging some autographs for me. Now that is customer service.

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