The remarkable aspect of this arrival, however, is the time between request and return. These cards were mailed to O'Sullivan, in care of the Los Angeles Kings, on Dec. 31, 2007. If my math is correct, and that's open for debate, it took an astonishing 560 days for the cards to return.
And while one might grouse about the lengthy delay, we're just happy the cards, part of Hound Central 3.0's TTM project, finally made their way back home.
Thank goodness, too, that we used one of those Forever stamps.
Count me in as another who got back a long-lost Sullivan request. Sent it in March of 2008, got it back a week and a half ago. He signed two cards and the two index cards I put in to help protect everything. And I got the same kind of tiny, thin-tip blue Sharpie sigs that you got.
Also, a side note on the Forever stamps: even many requests sent with an old non-Forever stamp will still come back. I had heard the PO won't bother with an insufficient postage mark unless it's 4 cents or more under the current postage. So anything sent with an old 39 cent stamp or smaller is probably lost, but anything of 40 cents on up probably will still make it back.
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