Saturday, February 7, 2009

Gallery: New York Islanders

Yes, I got a new toy -- a digital camera. A nice one, too. It has 12x optical zoom, a wide LCD screen and its fully automatic. As a result, Hound Central 4.0 has a new feature -- photographic galleries, so to speak, of an NHL teams signing for Hockey Bay hounds.

The initial installment in this occasional feature features the New York Islanders, taken earlier today before their game against the Tampa Bay Lightning:

Islanders captain Bill Guerin fulfilled his hound-friendly reputation;

Islanders defenseman Brendan Witt signing for the same fan before Saturday's game; and

Islanders forward Frans Nielsen signs for a hound visiting from Boston.


Drew said...

I recognized ol' Redcoat before even seeing the caption, lol. I need to take mine next time I hound the Stars.

Puckhound said...

I recognized him, but it wasn't until he showed a photo folder with his name on it did I remember his name.