There was a lot of equipment available. Tables and tables of gloves, many still in their bags. Shiny helmets stacked three deep across tables. Twenty feet of sticks, a colorful collection from players past and present. Racks of rookie camp and practice jerseys.
It was like being a kid in a candy store.
The only problem, though, was that the prices were way too high. Those gloves? How about $60? Same for the helmets. Those sticks, while tempting, were $100. A rookie camp jersey of some no-name? Only $250. Practice jerseys, with no names or numbers, commanded $80.
For the hard-core collector, a pair of Johan Holmqvist goalie pads, showing considerable wear, were available for $750. Nice? Yes, but too rich for most people.
Because of the prices, I did nothing but window-shop. Want to know why? I paid only $25 each for the two Lightning practice jerseys I've bought during Lightning games. And I still have a couple of Marty St. Louis model sticks, picked up at the Lightning Foundation fund-raising table during training camp, that cost only $12.50 each.
Funny thing, too. I didn't see too many people buying stuff in the 20 minutes I hung around. Maybe next time the Lightning will take more of a garage sale approach, where it's dimes on the dollar, not 50-cent pieces.
Shameless self-promotion

~ they were obtained around Thanksgiving when the New York Rangers played the Tampa Bay Lightning; and
~ I wrote the article, my first for a Beckett publication in a few years.
Unless plans change (theirs, not mine), I'll have another piece in the February issue of Beckett Hockey.
For a better view of the article, click on the top image.
Hockey tongue twister
There's a good reason I write for a living. I don't believe I could quickly say these names three times in a row:
Kimmo Timonen
Ville Peltonen
Jere Lehtinen
Matt Niskanen
Teppo Numminen
5 Big Sigs
It'll be a big week down here in Hockey Bay with the Dallas Stars and the Buffalo Sabres coming to town. I'm going to raise the bar a little this week, seeing whether we can add these to the collection:
~ Dallas' Mike Modano on the Team USA jersey and puck;
~ Dallas' Marty Turco on the Team Canada jersey and goalie mask;
~ Dallas' Brad Richards on a Notre Dame College Hounds puck;
~ Dallas' Brett Hull on Stars and Red Wings pucks (sorry Sabres fan, but I have to try); and
~ Buffalo's Ryan Miller on the Team USA jersey.
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